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There many variaons

12:00 AM - 08:00 PMFirmgate, Dhaka

There are many variaons of passa of Lorem Ipsuable, amrn in sofby injected humour, amr sarata din mela.There are many

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Importance of English

10:00 AM - 05:00 PMMirpur, Dhaka

There are many variaons of passa of Lorem Ipsuable, amrn in sofby injected humour, amr sarata din mela.There are many

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Developer’s Conference

10:00 AM - 05:00 PMMirpur, Dhaka

There are many variaons of passa of Lorem Ipsuable, amrn in sofby injected humour, amr sarata din mela.There are many

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Our Author’s Meetup

10:00 AM - 05:00 PMMirpur, Dhaka

There are many variaons of passa of Lorem Ipsuable, amrn in sofby injected humour, amr sarata din mela.There are many

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Importance of English

10:00 AM - 05:00 PMAgargaon, Dhaka

There are many variaons of passa of Lorem Ipsuable, amrn in sofby injected humour, amr sarata din mela.There are many

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Academia de vară

Chisinau, Moldova

Academia de vară pentru tineri bibliotecari 2019 Povestea Academiei de vară pentru tineri bibliotecari a început în 2016, cînd a avut

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Nocturna Bibliotecilor

12:00 PM - 05:00 AMChisinau, Moldova

Bibliotecile din diverse colțuri ale țării s-au aliniat în acest an la Campania Nocturna Bibliotecilor „Biblioteca – spațiu de interacțiune

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Citim cu voce

10:00 AM - 05:00 PMChisinau, Moldova

Biblioteca Națională a Republicii Moldova invită la o inițiativă de lectură comunitară publică prin participarea la Campania Națională „CITIM CU

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